Vision/dreamwalks, or oracle insights, always lead to experience in reality (see, choose, experience)
Ia - my shaman
Walking between the worlds, trusting my visions to guide me
Finding my hidden gifts and meeting my animal spirit guides in meditations and visions
Gifts/Chakra Centers/Animal Guides
- Crown - Transformation, Transfiguration - Crystal Dragon (White) Butterfly (Rainbow)
- Third Eye - Truth from Source, Wisdom, Higher Perspective - Eagle (Violet)
- Base of Skull - Clear Sight in the Dark, Sensing what is Hidden, Discernment - Owl (Indigo)
- Throat - Creator Voice, Resonance, Harmonics - Whale (Blue)
- Heart - Innocence, Purity, Magic, Miracles, Quantum Healing - Unicorn (Green) AND Compassionate Witness, Love Vibration, Beauty, Gentleness - Deer (Pink)
- Solar Plexus - Will to Choose Joy, Life in Experience, Endurance, Boundaries - Hummingbird (Yellow)
- Hara Center (and Cauldron of the Tan Tien) - Protection of the Solar Fire, Strength, Sovereignty, Courage - Lion (Gold)
- Sacral Chakra - Sacred Womb, Free Energy Potentials, Transmutational Fire - Fire Dragon (Orange)
- Root Chakra - Eternal Birthright, Cycles of Death and Rebirth, Navigating the Mystery - Jaguar (Red/Magenta)
Living as Wild Woman
The re-emergence of Wild Woman (reference cards, women who run with wolves)
* No rules
* Trust in my own inner wisdom and integrity
* Emergence of true compassion
* Playful, curious
* Original response
* Trust in energy
* Freedom vs control
* Fearlessness because there are no mistakes
Real life examples:
* Stillness to see, presence to witness
* Willing to be seen, be big, be authentic; knowing the catalyst my energy and consciousness are, letting other people self-select
* Changes happen because of my energy, ego actions not needed, no attachment to outcome (healings that happened in my presence, brooke's neck). Holding the space for new potentials to be chosen. Illuminating them so they can be seen. When is light enough? When are words to be spoken? When are actions needed?
* When action is needed it is swift and unplanned, original, authentic, no rules or limits (truth spoken to Sami)
* no self-sacrifice or martyrdom (get out of my garden, strong boundaries, self-care first), trusting my energy to serve me in love
* Willing to and knowing when to walk on in love (human vs soul perspective)
How my view of self evolved: what is a healer?
What I am and what I am not
How it felt to be walking between worlds (of world not in it) the gifts and the challenges
Portal for me: Become the clear vessel for my divine light, for Source to shine through me. My identity and agenda are transparent.
To be this means there is a new point of perspective on everything.
Chaotic as you are tossed into this new place
Great releases of belief
Great releases of patterning in the body
Great releases of stuck energy
Be the portal, not the player
Choose, witness, allow transmutation and transformation
Portal perspectives and keys to success
Portal Perspective - Be the point of awareness in the present moment.
Key to Success - What we look at, and how we choose to perceive it,
creates our reality.
Portal Perspective - We must face what we fear to expand into our true potential.
Key to Success - Small steps made with clear intent create big progress.
Portal Perspective - Who we think we have to be and why we think we have to be it
are the source of all our suffering.
Key to Success - Only by letting go of what we know
can we discover a higher truth.
Portal Perspective - If we leap, the net will appear, but only when we are in the air.
Key to Success - It is best to commit when a leap is required. (A partial leap is a messy painful thing.)
Portal Perspective - All newness comes from emptiness, so you can’t avoid the void.
Key to Success - Life is an evolving journey, not a destination,
and graceful progress emerges from congruent action born from trust.
Eye of the needle. Clarity and intent.
Staying above the story/non-identification and observing
Courageous small steps into newness beyond fear
Willingness to be surprised by higher truths
Taking leaps into the unknown
Willingness to be re-imagined through emptiness and chaos
How does this tie to the portal story?
How does transformation work: (take portal perspectives and keys and elaborate with examples?)
Summary of how to walk in the mystery on a new timeline, write a new book, dream a new dream into being:
How it works
Recognize my magic
Feel it and sense it all around me
Know what to choose and when
Calling energies into service and trust them to serve in grace
Joy of being gifted an experience
Watch as my energy aligns for me with no effort or force on my part (difference between magic and sorcery)
trusting the process
Watch as energies align (collapses the wave into particles)
Await synchronicity and respond to it with right action (no pushing)
Karma or Dharma
force = fear = sorcery - it will backfire and rebound
Joy celebration and gratitude