We only know what we know, and we don’t know what we don’t. The manic monkey that runs our mind thinks it knows everything…especially about what’s possible. Monkey mind tries to keep us safe, but because it only knows the past, it projects that past right into our future. Imagination helps us escape this rut and feel into unknown possibilities.
Right now I bet a part of you is thinking, "Cool! I want to live the dream!” But then that part of you runs smack dab into another part that had a big dream once, reached for the fantasy, hit the wall, and ended up face-first in a mud puddle. That part of you has been there, done that, and got the t-shirt already…the cheap one that fits badly and reads “I went to fantasy-land and all I got was this lousy t-shirt”.
Wrong. It is better to dream BIG, and then get it.
Success is truly possible (really it IS), but most people don’t realize what it takes to succeed. Perhaps they think success involves suffering and hard work. Or they might believe they need a detailed plan with goals and objectives. Or maybe, they think luck is involved, so while dreams come true for other people, it ain’t gonna happen for them.
The key to catalyzing creativity and mastering manifestation is this simple (but not easy) manifesto: To Receive It, You Must BE It.
I don’t know about you, but this is an epic change from the way I learned how to do things, which looked much more like fighting for the scraps because there was only so much to go around, and you better and be thankful for your crumbs, because someone else probably just got less than you did.
"Be it to receive it" is a game-changer. When we live this way with trust and conviction, we see that the universe is, indeed, trying to shower us with blessings, and those blessings are unlimited. So unlimited, in fact, that we will get exactly what we are asking for. But here is the important little tidbit that goes unsaid: one doesn’t ask with their words, one asks with their actions!
The universe is a great mirror. It reads our energy and gives us back what we are putting out. Words alone are not enough. To really draw in something new, we have to walk our talk.
I’ve broken this down into the three primary challenges we face - let’s call them the criteria for creation - or the magic methods you must master to “live your dream”:
- You have to be able to feel the feeling of having what you want - This seems easy, but it can be surprisingly difficult when monkey mind has it’s grip. You have to bypass the mind completely and trust your body. Put your awareness into the reality of having what you desire. Let it become a sensual experience. Just be there…having it, as if it already exists (which it actually does on a slightly different dimension) and let the energy of your realized dream pour all over you. How does it feel? Keep your awareness in your body. When your mind tries to define the feeling, or understand it, or second guess it, say, “Thank you very much for your abundant input, dear mind, but I am feeling now. I don’t need to know any details.” Stay with the feeling as long as you can. Once you get the hang of this, you can put yourself into multiple potentials, feel each of them, and pick the one that feels best!
- You have to hold the frequency of having what you desire, knowing it is coming to you, even when your “reality” appears otherwise - This step is harder. In fact, it can be really hard, but it isn’t impossible; it just takes clarity and commitment. Once you have picked your potential, the energy is on it’s way to you. Now you have to keep holding the vibration of what you picked so you can receive it when it arrives. If you pick a really great potential, but then descend back into despair because your current reality sucks, your current reality will persist because that is where your consciousness is focused. You are vibrating at despair, and not matching your new super cool potential. Essentially, you walked away from the delivery station. Similarly, if you fight “what is” you lock it in place because that is what you are focusing on. Allow "what is" to be as it is, and shift your awareness to what you have chosen. Know it is coming to you. Act as if it is already your reality. Feel the feeling of having it. Then it will come to you. It has to! Albert Einstein said it best: "Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics."
- You have to receive what comes to you - This step can also be tricky, because we usually have a wee bit of an agenda. We think things should happen in a certain way or look the way we want them to look, but sometimes our manifestations arrive in surprising ways. If we do not receive the unexpected, we may miss out on a greater good. Sometimes challenging things happen first to clear the way for the goodies (we may get sick to clear old energies and raise our vibration, we might have to let go of some things we are attached to like jobs or relationships or beliefs to make space for the new). Know that whatever comes serves us perfectly. Our manifestations are perfect mirrors. They show us exactly what we are attracting. We may say we want something, and believe we really do, but if our vibration is still putting out “I am not…(worthy, available, abundant, healthy, etc.) then our manifestations will match our vibration. When this happens it is an invitation to clean up the energetics and try again. You will know you have arrived at a new vibration when your manifestations match your mock-up. You are always manifesting, and energy comes in service, 100% of the time.
When you first start playing with these three steps, it helps to begin with something small. Build up your track record of successes before taking on the big kahuna issues (like health or abundance for example) that are highly charged. If you begin with issues that don’t have a life or death vibe, you can proceed with curiosity instead of terror. You will be more allowing and less likely to force things. When you can relax into the process and see how effortless it really is, you will trust yourself enough to tackle the larger issues. In this game, trust is everything.
Next month, I will share an example from my own life that shows exactly how this process works. Until next time, may you be in awareness.