Dishing Up Something Delicious
After searching the internet, we were unimpressed with our options. Dinnerware is expensive, and most of the items we saw were boring and utilitarian. What to do? Then Joe had a brainstorm. Years ago, a potter friend made Joe a beautiful serving platter, which doubles as wall-art in our living room. Joe suggested we pay this artisan a visit and see if he could make us something that would complement the platter. So we did, and yesterday we picked up our new plates and bowls. We even splurged and bought two matching serving dishes. Each piece is unique, beautiful, and a sensual experience to use.
The Art of Living
I’ve come to realize it is not the big events that define my quality of life as much as the small day-to-day decisions. By marrying sensuality with practicality in such an intentional way, we placed a new priority on beauty. We juiced our joy. Joe and I used our new plates for dinner last night, and I confess, I was giddy.
As I look back, I see how I’ve been building this new standard of living for quite a while. For example, I’ve been re-inventing my wardrobe piece by piece in recent months, looking for items that I can use for travel and adventure, and this started long before my upcoming trip to Italy was even on the radar! Like Frances in the movie, Under the Tuscan Sun, I was building the container for a life I did not yet have, essentially creating that new reality through small leaps of faith.
Similarly, our new dishes represent the lifestyle Joe and I want to have: creative, unique, a high-class work of art. With this purchase we took another step towards the grandness we are imagining, and gave ourselves a practical reminder of our intention - one that will be put before us every single day.
Making Dreams REAL
I remember sorting through my Grandmother’s hope chest after she died where I found many beautiful things that were tucked away, protected, but never enjoyed. Like these precious treasures, it is easy to hold our dreams out there in a safe secret place where they cannot be tarnished by the challenges of life. I don’t want to bring my dreams out on rare occasions so I can glance at them wistfully and then tuck them away again. I want to experience them, and frankly, I can tell my dreams would like to me to experience them too.
Through trial and error, I’ve discovered birthing my dreams is best done by taking small steps, because small steps don’t send my mind into all-out revolt like big steps do. I balk at big steps, but a series of small steps, taken organically, have carried me effortlessly over the threshold into many new realities. Small steps make the impossible possible.
By taking small steps, I let my dream know that I’m serious, which gets the energies flowing. When opportunities then come to my door, I can choose to invest my curiosity, or perhaps even some money, to see what happens next. This is how I water my passion garden. Sooner or later something I wasn’t expecting will pop up out of the ground and it will amaze me. Then, in hind-sight, I will see how I prepared myself to receive something grand, one small step at a time.
Side-Stepping Sabotage
My first Reiki attunement was like this. Without research of any kind, not knowing at all what I was getting myself into (which was out of character for me), I signed up for the attunement and found myself mid-way through the session before my mind caught on to the significance of my choice…at which point it freaked out, but the deed was already done.
Similarly, several sets of clothing and a new suitcase into my recent buying spree, my mind began to rebel by screaming, “What are you doing? You shouldn’t be buying all this stuff! You don’t even have a trip planned. What a colossal waste of good money!” But my inner wisdom knew better. It wasn’t a month later that the opportunity to travel to Italy arrived on the well-greased path of all those purchases; and now I have everything I need to go, so no excuses. When I’m compelled to act, and my mind is not the catalyst, I’ve learned it is a sign that I’m moving in the right direction.
Dreams Have Their Own Timing
The deer in our yard have taught me this. When I urge them to come close, they run away. If I celebrate them and radiate total acceptance, they often come right up to me. I once had a big buck nuzzle my hand. (It was truly a Snow White moment.)
I’ve learned to allow dreams to approach me in their own timing. It took 40 years before Colorado became my home, and it was a place I longed to live since I was 10 years old; yet I can tell you with certainty that I am here now at exactly the right time. If I had come here any earlier, I would not have been ready for what happened next. My biggest dreams ask me to believe in them without question and trust they will arrive on schedule. While I wait, I know I am building my capacity to actually receive what comes.
Protecting the Seedlings
Now, granted, most of this stomping is very well-intentioned: “I’m only trying to save you from disappointment. You need to be realistic. Blah, blah blah.” Surely, those who say such things only want the best for us; but since big dreams are often brand new, never-before-accomplished miracles, they tend to be outside of other people’s belief zone and do not generate public support.
Just like a brand new baby, dreams require our protection. It takes time for a dream to find its balance in this topsy-turvy world before it can run with the big dogs. Our dreams need a safe space to grow into themselves without being exposed to harsh criticism or doubt. I’ve learned to keep my dream seeds close to the chest in the early stages of manifestation. I do not speak of them until the time is right. While things are sprouting, I weed my garden of thoughts, words, and deeds that are not in harmony with my dream, and I fertilize liberally with resonant vibrations.
It is time to dream big dreams now…unicorn-worthy dreams. I want my new dinnerware to set the table for a much grander sensual experience, so I’m allowing my knowingness to guide me into a place I’ve never been before. I’m letting my dreams show me my next steps. I don't know what will happen next, but I fully intend to be amazed.